Title IX was
enacted as part of the Education Act Amendments of 1972. Its promise was simply this: educational institutions, programs, or
activities that receive federal funds may not discriminate on the basis of
sex. The promise applies to all levels
of education, from elementary schools to undergraduate colleges, professional
schools, and vocational programs.
Enactment of
Title IX was one of the first policy victories of the 2nd wave
women’s movement, and as such was the focus of controversy. The Washington
Post and New York Times opposed
it in editorials; college presidents decried it; college football coaches
demeaned it; and many members of Congress tried to figure out ways to weaken
The attack on
Title IX intensified soon after it became law. The loudest assault came from
the male athletics lobby – the NCAA, and legions of college football fans. Although Title IX was not enacted with women’s
athletics primarily in mind, the male sports establishment certainly predicted
correctly that under Title IX, women would flourish as athletes.
Despite their
fierce efforts, naysayers lost their legislative battle to undermine Title IX
by limiting its scope. As a result,
educational opportunities for girls and women expanded exponentially,
dramatically opening up whole fields of endeavor.
The most obvious
barriers to women's full and equal educational opportunites began to disappear
with Title IX's passage. But Title IX's champions knew that inequalities run
deep, permeating school practices and peer cultures. Title IX advocates anticipated
that the road to full equality would be slow going and that navigating that
road successfully would require never-ending vigilance to ensure that
implementing regulations are not diluted, that compliance is robust, and that
girls and women throughout the educational process know their rights and
The history of
Title IX over forty years is really the story of millions of bold and resilient
girls and women who have enforced Title IX by their actions -- by resisting exclusion;
demanding fairness; exposing sexual harassment; and challenging educational
institutions to change because of the contributions of women.
So, kudos -- and thank you -- to everyone who has dared to
struggle for equality. Title IX will continue to be important only if it
continues to advance that struggle. Going forward, we must all hone Title IX to
pierce and transform the culture of educational institutions, to dispel
stereotypes that impede women's incorporation on equal footing, and to
undermine the gross disparities in money and other resources that make it
difficult for many girls and women to pursue the opportunities that Title IX
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